On the afternoon of Monday 10th June, two days after Glorious, Ardent and Acasta were lost, five men from Glorious were rescued by the Norwegian ship Svalbard II, which was forced to return to Norway by German forces.
One man subsequently died, leaving the remaining four to become POWs.
They were: Ernest Blackwell, Norman Pike, Joseph Brown and William Tabb.
In the late hours of Monday 10th and early hours of Tuesday 11th June, a further 38 men (36 Glorious & 2 Acasta) were rescued by the Norwegian ship Borgund, which had sailed from Tromso on June 8th en route to the Faroes.
Of these, Norman Jagger (Glorious) died on board on June 12th, whilst Leslie Fitzroy Potter (Glorious) and William Craig Smith (Acasta) died in hospital following arrival at the Faroes on June 15th and 16th respectively.
Cyril Carter subsequently became the sole survivor of HMS Acasta on June 16th, following the death of William Craig Smith (Acasta).
Finally on June 13th, two men from Ardent, Roger Hooke and Robert Philip Jones were rescued by German seaplane and became POWs.
Robert Philip Jones died in hospital in Oslo on July 1st 1940, leaving Roger Hooke as the sole survivor of HMS Ardent.
The following is the list of men who survived:
HMS Glorious
Ignatius Ashworth - Leading Seaman
Eric Baldwin - Sub Lieutenant
Fred Bastow - Stoker
Ernest Blackwell
Joseph Brown
Frederick Cooke
Kenneth Cleave - Supply Assistant
Kenneth Cross - Squadron Leader RAF
Vernon.H. Day
Henry A.Donnan - Royal Marine
John Alexander Duffy
Ronald George Dowle - Able Seaman
Charles Reginald Etheridge - Corporal Royal Marine
George William Elliott - Petty Officer
George Russell Fern
Ronald Healiss - Royal Marine
Rupert C. Hill - Lieutenant Commander
Cyril Hobbs
Patrick Geraint Jameson - Flight Lieutenant
Richard Thomas Leggott - Petty Officer
Arthur Lidstone
Martin McPherson Mackie
Ian Murray MacLachlan - Sub Lieutenant
Vernon Robert McBride
M. McGuigan - Able Seaman
James Millington - Cook
Andrew Niccolls - Ordinary Seaman
James O'Neill - Stoker
William Alfred Pascoe
William Edward Phillips - Petty Officer Stoker
Norman Pike
John Russell - Ordinary Seaman
William Smith - Able Seaman
Gerard Spencer - Leading Aircraftman RAF
Ernest William Stephens- Air Articifer
William Thomas Tabb - Petty Officer Stoker
Fred Thornton - Ordinary Seaman
Robert A.A Wootton - Royal Marine
HMS Acasta
Cyril Carter - Able Seaman
HMS Ardent
Roger Hooke - Able Seaman
Kenneth Cross
Rupert Hill
Patrick Jamieson
Ian MacLachlan
Henry Donnan
James Millington
Joe Brown
Fred Bastow
Charles Etheridge
Ignatius Ashworth
Kenneth Cleave
Ronald Healiss
Fred Thornton
William Tabb
William E. Phillips
Gerard Spencer
Roger Hooke
Cyril Carter
William Smith